How does Shakespeare present the Conflict in Romeo and Juliet in the Prologue, Act 1 and Act 3, Scene 2 Model Essay GCSE and IGCSE

In Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare portrays love blossoming in the midst of violent conflict at the centre of the feud. The connection is not coincidental; it is essential. This antithesis builds tension, as the Chorus sets up a ‘fearful’, ‘fatal’, ‘death-marked mood’,...

The Genius List: How do Writers Use Language? GCSE and IGCSE Technical Terms and Techniques for English.

Get the genius list of language techniques that writers use – also known as rhetoric. Please use with caution! The list is an advanced one for above-A* grades, A-level and University Level. Get a simpler list here for the GCSE language exam, to...