The Genius List: How do Writers Use Language? GCSE and IGCSE Technical Terms and Techniques for English.

Get the genius list of language techniques that writers use – also known as rhetoric. Please use with caution! The list is an advanced one for above-A* grades, A-level and University Level. Get a simpler list here for the GCSE language exam, to...

Freud for Gothic Novels The Id, the Ego and the Superego from ‘Beyond the Pleasure Principle’

Sigmund Freud 1856-1939, was one of the first psychologists – writing about how we think, and why. His ideas give us an interesting way of understanding literature. His theory of the Id, the Ego and the Superego, from his essay,  ‘Beyond the...

Analysis of Themes in the Gothic for the AQA Lit B English Exam A2: Entrapment, Imprisonment, Claustrophobia, Terror and Horror Ann Radcliffe

Entrapment, Imprisonment and Escape: ClaustrophobiaIt’s every Gothic writer’s favourite scenario: someone’s trapped – either chained up, strapped down, or tucked away in some dank cell, castle, cellar or cloister. The physical entrapment...