Get these words to improve your essay grades in English. Use them to describe mood, point of view and character, and also to build your own insults. Genius! Words with positive connotations are bold. Negative words are in italics. For every other word, it depends on context.
grand, elegiac, haughty, self-important, condescending
mundane, everyday, matter of fact, ordinary
haunted, haunting, ethereal, ghostly, vague, unearthly, deathly
tranquil, tranquility, peaceful, calm, contemplative, self-focussed, self-obsessed, self-centred, meditative, metaphysical, sanguine, unruffled, uninterested, disinterested
quick-tempered, angry, choleric, fierce, violent, vicious, volatile, furious, ferocious, belligerent
inquisitive, curious
disappointed, thwarted ambition, ambitious, vaulting ambition, hubristic, optimistic, pessimistic
selfish, selfless
selfish, selfless
immoral, amoral, constant, trusting, devious, faithless, inconstant
quick-witted, vivacious, lively, sharp, self-aware, complacent, unreliable narrator
exclamatory, grief-stricken, grieving, mournful, melancholy
idealistic, realistic
destructive, self-destructive
innocent, pure, naive, ignorant, blunt, integrity, clear-sighted, far-sighted, wise