by melaniewp | Jan 24, 2014 | GCSE, IGCSE, Podcasts, Romeo and Juliet
Themes of violent love and love of violence kick off in Romeo and Juliet right from the start. Get this five minute analysis I did for a GCSE student that sums it all up, from the Prologue through Act 1. Share and download it however you like.
by melaniewp | Dec 17, 2013 | GCSE, IGCSE, Romeo and Juliet
If you are studying Romeo and Juliet, grab the Leonardo DiCaprio version. It’s a fast and furious interpretation that uses modern styles with Shakespearean language. Switch on the subtitles and you’ll understand it much more easily. Note that some lines...
by melaniewp | Nov 21, 2013 | 11 plus, 11+, Common Entrance, English Language Exam, GCSE, IGCSE, KS3, Writing, Writing to Argue, Writing to Persuade
What makes a good hero?A hero can be someone you look up to, or the main character in a film or book. Yet main characters are not always heroic – or not in obvious ways. Sleeping Beauty spends most of her story unconscious. Little Red Riding Hood escapes the...
by melaniewp | Oct 28, 2013 | AQA Controlled Assessment Creative Writing, Creative Writing, Edexcel IGCSE English, FAQs, GCSE, IGCSE
I’ve decided to start a series of FAQs. Teachers often set the same type of questions for Creative Writing coursework and controlled assessment, so some of you might find this useful:”I have got a controlled assessment on creative writing. I am dong the...
by melaniewp | Oct 12, 2013 | Controlled Assessment, Creative Writing, GCSE, IGCSE, Imagery, Metaphors, Similes
This is for anyone who is struggling with creative writing. Here are some examples using semantic fields, sensory language, metaphors and similes.Imagery means ‘word-pictures’. You’re painting a picture for the reader which should include a strong...
by melaniewp | Oct 7, 2013 | AQA, Controlled Assessment, English Literature, GCSE, Jennet Humfrye, Literature Analysis, Susan Hill, The Woman in Black
Most of the information about Jennet is revealed in the packet of letters that Arthur Kipps sorts through in the penultimate chapter (second to last), called ‘A Packet of Letters’.Of course, we meet her as ‘the woman in black’ throughout. But...