Analysis of Themes in the Gothic for the AQA Lit B English Exam A2: Entrapment, Imprisonment, Claustrophobia, Terror and Horror Ann Radcliffe

Entrapment, Imprisonment and Escape: ClaustrophobiaIt’s every Gothic writer’s favourite scenario: someone’s trapped – either chained up, strapped down, or tucked away in some dank cell, castle, cellar or cloister. The physical entrapment...

Point of View: First Person, Second, Third, Omniscient Narrator

How can I tell what point of view a story, poem or extract is written in? First, you need to know what the options are: Third Person (i.e. he, his, him /she, her /it /they, their /[name]) Second Person (addressed to: you, your, thee*, thou* or thine*...