by melaniewp | May 20, 2013 | Angela Carter, AQA Lit B, Model Essays, The Bloody Chamber
“A bloody and frightening tale.” To what extent is this a valid description of the story ‘The Bloody Chamber’?This plan considers the key words in the question in order: ‘bloody’, ‘frightening’, and finally, alternative interpretations.Evidence...
by melaniewp | May 19, 2013 | Edexcel Language Anthology, IGCSE, Model Essays
This answer is based on the Edexcel English Language Anthology Text ‘A Game of Polo with a Headless Goat’, aka donkey racing in Karachi, which is printed here with comments and the Edexcel mark scheme. I’ve put some comments on your answer in...
by melaniewp | May 19, 2013 | Cambridge, English Literature, IGCSE, Model Essays, Shakespeare, The Tempest
The Tempest at the start of the play is a symbol of the chaos to come. Explore the use of ‘chaos and misrule’ in the play.At the start of the play, The Tempest opens dramatically with the eponymous storm, in a ‘tempestuous noise of thunder and...
by melaniewp | May 19, 2013 | Cambridge, English Literature Exam, IGCSE, Shakespeare, The Tempest
In the exam on The Tempest, you will be given a choice of questions about a specific character, a theme or an extract. For the character question, you need to have good understanding of that character including: their relationships with the others – the...
by melaniewp | May 19, 2013 | Edexcel, Edexcel Language Anthology, English Language Exam, IGCSE, Mark Schemes, Past Papers
Help! How can I revise for the Edexcel IGCSE English Language exam tomorrow? First, read the post I did with model answers:Find out what type of questions will be in the exam.I strongly recommend students do a past paper and mark their own work because this helps...